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Simple example with past events

{% include events.html event_type="past_event" %}


  • Test event 1



    The description of this event

  • Test event 3



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean magna massa, vestibulum ut leo eget, fermentum molestie mauris. Cras facilisis libero non sodales lobortis. Proin eu ultricies lacus. Sed posuere orci id tincidunt sollicitudin. Phasellus sit amet justo turpis. Vestibulum non volutpat libero. Donec mattis elementum sem nec posuere. Donec vitae libero sed mi faucibus tempus. Talks included:

    Donec sagittis laoreet leo, eu tincidunt nulla pulvinar a. Aenean diam orci, rhoncus et imperdiet eget, sodales eget massa. Pellentesque lobortis egestas consequat.

  • Test event 2


    Example Description with link

More complex example with upcoming events

{% include events.html caption=true title=true event_type="upcoming_event" caption_url="/about/events" truncate=true limit=3 %}


Upcoming events

  • Test event 1



    The description of this event

  • Test event 3



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean magna massa, vestibulum ut leo eget, fermentum molestie mauris. Cras facilisis libero non sodales lobortis. Proin eu ultricies lacus. Sed posuere orci id tincidunt sollicitudin. Phasellus sit amet justo turpis. Vestibulum non volutpat libero. Donec mattis elementum sem nec posuere. Donec vitae libero sed mi faucibus tempus. Talks included:

    Donec sagittis laoreet leo, eu tincidunt nulla pulvinar a. Aenean diam orci, rhoncus et imperdiet eget, sodales eget massa. Pellentesque lobortis egestas consequat.

  • Test event 2


    Example Description with link

An overview of all our events can be fount on the events page.


  • event_type: MANDATORY! upcoming_event or past_event as value
  • title: Visualize the event_type as title when events are present from this type. Use true as value to enable this (true or false).
  • caption: Show the “An overview of all our events can be fount on the events page.” by using true (true or false).
  • caption_url: Add a custom url if the main events page is not served at /events
  • truncate: If longer event descriptions are used and this parameter is set to true, descriptions which are longer than 40 words will get collapsed behind a button (true or false).
  • limit: Integer to determine the amount of news items shown.