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Configuring the theme

The _config.yml file in the root of your project holds multiple options and variables to configure the theme. They are stored as key: value pairs and are besides title, all optional and don’t have to be included in the _config.yaml file if not needed.

General configurations

title: ELIXIR toolkit theme
# This appears in the html browser tab for the site title (seen mostly by search engines, not users)

topnav_title: ELIXIR toolkit theme
# Optional: this appears on the top navigation bar next to the main_logo.svg icon

topnav_banner: "ELIXIR toolkit theme is currently under development and may change at any point - it is not meant for production use"
# Optional: a banner message to display to users on all pages

description: "Flexible Jekyll theme using bootstrap 5 as CSS framework."
# Metadata description of the website

# prefix for DSW deep links to a certain question

# Google analytics tag

# Matomo domain where Matomo is running
# Integer indicating the Matomo Website ID
matomo_cookies: true
# Boolean that determines whether a Matomo tracking cookie is used or not

# Plausible tag
# default: '

Additional settings

Certain features are not always needed and can be disabled are changed in your deployment. Here we list all options and their default value. Only specify the settings that you want to change

  git_host: GitHub
  back_to_top: true
  dev-info-banner: false
  privacy_statement_url: /privacy
    position: top
    edit_me: true
    open_issue: true
    history: true
    searchbuilder: False
    related-pages: Related pages
    more-information-tiles: More information
    resource-table-all: Tools and resources on this page
    resource-table-all-collapse: false
    affiliation-tiles-page: Affiliations
    contributor-minitiles-page: Contributors
    min_headings: 1
    headings: 'main h2'
    theme: light
    brand_logo: assets/img/main_logo.svg
    github: true
    twitter: false
    bluesky: false
    linkedin: false
    fosstodon: false
  theme_color: 0d6efd
    - url towards a font

More detailed information about these settings can be found here:

  • git_host: This can be Github or GitLab and customizes the text in the top navigation.
  • back_to_top: Enables the appearance of the back to top button
  • dev-info-banner: Show a development banner including the commit and branch the website is deployed from, when the Jekyll environment is “development”. Default: false
  • privacy_statement_url: Custom path to the privacy page that contains the privacy statement. This is used to link towards in the cookie banner.
  • github_buttons: Buttons that link towards github related.
    • position: Can be either top, next to the title or bottom, under the page content.
    • edit_me: Enable the ‘propose an edit on this page’ button.
    • open_issue: Enable the ‘open an issue on this page’ button.
    • history: Enable the ‘history of this page’ button.
  • datatables: Settings related to the DataTables JS library
    • searchbuilder: SearchBuilder provides the end user with an easy to use UI for them to create their own complex custom search expression for a DataTable. Default: False.
  • headings: Change the subtitles or collapse the page sections that are automatically generated related-pages: Default: Related pages more-information-tiles: Default: More information resource-table-all: Default: Tools and resources on this page resource-table-all-collapse: Make the tools and resources table collapsed like the other more information sections. This will also make the tools and resources table and National resources part of the More information heading. Default: False affiliation-tiles-page: Default: Affiliations contributor-minitiles-page: Default: Contributors
  • toc: Settings related to the table of contents.
    • min_headings: The minimum amount of headings (h2, h3,.. depending on the headings option) on a page for the toc to appear. This has to be an integer. Default: 1
    • headings: The type of headings that need to be indexed by the toc. This can be a list or one value, ex: ‘h1, h2, h3’ or ‘h2’. Default: ‘main h2’
  • topnav: Settings related to the top navigation.
    • theme: This variable is needed to change between a dark and a light top navigation. possible values: dark and light
    • brand_logo: Custom path towards the brand logo, in case the assets/img/main_logo.svg can not be used.
    • github: Enable or disable the appearance of the Github repo nav link. Default: true
    • twitter: Enable or disable the appearance of the Twitter nav link by adding the url towards the twitter page. Default: false
    • bluesky: Enable or disable the appearance of the Bluesky nav link by adding the url towards the Bluesky page. Default: false
    • linkedin: Enable or disable the appearance of the Linkedin nav link by adding the url towards the Linkedin page. Default: false
    • fosstodon: Enable or disable the appearance of the Fosstodon nav link by adding the url towards the Fosstodon page. Default: false
  • theme_color: This is the primary theme color which is used in the metadata of the website. Please use the hex color without the hashtag as value.
  • fonts: List here the urls towards google fonts to include custom fonts for your website.