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Contributors are defined in two places: the page-metadata and the CONTRIBUTORS.yml file in _data.

List website contributors in a grid

{% include contributor-tiles-all.html %}


Bert Droesbeke


Example Contributor


Long Example Contributor


  • custom: , separated list of contributor names if you only want to show a specific collection of contributors.
  • role: specify the role of the contributors you want to filter on. This is not combinable with the custom list of contributors.
  • sort: disable sorting of contributors by adding false. Default: true.
  • col: give an integer to specify the number of columns/contributor cards per row. Default: 5.

Example with parameters

{% include contributor-tiles-all.html custom="Example Contributor, Bert Droesbeke" col=4 sort=false %}


Example Contributor


Bert Droesbeke

{% include contributor-carousel-selection.html %}


  • custom: , separated list of contributor names if you only want to show a specific collection of contributors.
  • role: specify the role of the contributors you want to filter on. This is not combinable with the custom list of contributors.
  • sort: disable sorting of contributors by adding false. Default: true.
  • col: give an integer to specify the number of columns/contributor cards per row. Default: 5.

Example with parameters

{% include contributor-carousel-selection.html custom="Bert Droesbeke, Example Contributor" col=4 %}